Celebrating Culture


When it comes to a glamour photoshoot, the clothing choices you make can act as important storytelling symbols and express your personality.

In a personalized photoshoot with Zest, women have the opportunity to capture the beauty and power of their culture in a way that is empowering.

Wearing traditional cultural clothing and accessories is a powerful way for women to connect with their heritage, their family, and their ancestors.  This is a powerful way to honour the legacy of those who came before us and to keep our cultural traditions alive.

“Women have been the keepers of culture and traditions throughout history, passing down these customs from generation to generation.”

The clothing choices you make are an essential part of a photoshoot, as it creates aesthetic. and meaningful impact. The colours, textures, and patterns of your clothing and accessories can add depth and interest to your photos.

These choices act as important storytelling symbols. Every item of clothing and accessory has a history and meaning behind it. By incorporating these items into your photoshoot, you are telling a story about your heritage and your family history.

“ When you wear traditional cultural clothing, you are creating a connection to your heritage that shines through in your photos.”

Wearing traditional cultural clothing is a way to connect with your heritage, your family, and your ancestors. It is a way to honour those who came before you and to celebrate the unique beauty and strength of your culture. The experience of wearing traditional clothing and accessories can be transformative, helping women to feel a deeper connection to their culture and to themselves.

Unfortunately, black models and women of colour are often underrepresented in advertising and media, leading to a lack of representation for their beauty.

This is why it is important for young women to see themselves and their heritage represented in imagery. When young women see models who look like them, wearing clothing that represents their culture, it can be a powerful affirmation of their own beauty and worth.

The photos that are captured during a photoshoot at Zest Photography sessions can serve as a powerful reminder of the beauty and strength of your culture, as well as a source of inspiration for future generations.

If you are interested in booking a Zest Photography family, couple, modern glamour, boudoir or nude portrait photography experience, call 0862453150 or email us at info@zestphotography.com.au.