Jessica's Top 10 Photo's of February 2021


Once a month our creative team gathers together to look through that month’s photoshoots.

It is an inspiring evening where we  give each other feedback,  hear the amazing stories of our clients and create new Ideas for the next month.

Each of our photographers will share their favourites from that month, here are Jessica’s…

My favourite photos from February 2021…

1. The golden butterfly.

 A beautiful Golden butterfly goddess, this image was inspired by the butterfly crown made by Australian designer Verdessafairy.

I added the silken robe and golden paint to her hands for the extra magical midas touch.


2. Aphrodite.

Using silky fabrics is a beautiful way to create an elegant and sensual nude portrait, allowing you to reveal as much or as little as you like.


3 & 4. Glamour Queen.

Beautiful Deb has such an elegant and graceful poise about her.

I wanted to create images that felt regal, like a princess, which was easy to do especially with the glamorous gowns she wore.  So beautiful I could not pick just one image as a favourite.


5. The classic nude.

 Showcasing Ylenia’s curves in a classy, natural and beautiful way.


6. Her wild side!

This was such a fun photoshoot; I love it when my clients show their wild sexy sides. Our photoshoots are a way for women to delve into their fantasies and express their playful sexy sides, it can be a empowering, thrilling and fun experience.

I shot this close up against a mirror because her bottom looked so good I wanted to show it twice!


7 & 8. LORD JEFFREy.

This hairless cat called ‘Lord Jeffrey’ came along as part of a newborn photoshoot, we think pets are a very special part of a family

I was fascinated by his regal shape and velvety skin texture. He made a great model for silhouette portraits.


9. portraiture seen differently.

It is a common misconception that children’s portraits need to be looking at the camera and always smiling. I think this portrait is so much more powerful, the solemn expression capturing the true essence of a moody tween boy.


10. The newest member of the family

I love the different shades of skin tones of this family,  with protective parents arms melting together to treasure this loved little baby boy.


See you next month

Jessica 🌹

If you are interested in booking a Zest Photography family, couple, modern glamour, boudoir or nude portrait photography experience, call 0862453150 or email us at

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