Jessica's Top 10 Photo's of January 2022


Once a month our creative team gathers together to look through that month’s photoshoots.

It is an inspiring evening where we  give each other feedback,  hear the amazing stories of our clients and create new Ideas for the next month.

Each of our photographers will share their favourites from that month, here are Jessica’s…

My favourite photos from January 2022…

1 & 2. ritual.

I love, love, love photographing Fantasy Glamour!

These can be transformative sessions for women, allowing them to transform into the powerful characters they have hidden inside them or exploring their darker emotions in a symbolic way.  Using  a creative combination of costumes, body paint, lighting and multiple exposures to bring this character to life.


3 & 4. savage.

Wanting to explore her darker side as an esoteric shamaness, This photoshoot was all about showcasing strength, unleashing wild spirit revealing her true self.  Rejecting the normal. Fantasy can give you an outlet to express parts of your inner self, it can provide safe escapism from the ordinary everyday world and add a little magic into your life.


5.  kesalu.

Using silks to recreate the Aboriginal flag, with little baby Aurelia in the centre as the rising sun. a creative take on the routine sleeping baby portraits.


6. motherly portrait.

As a model Diyo certainly knows how to work the camera. Wearing African inspired clothing to reflect her heritage and proudly holding her new baby, this is such a glamourous mother son portrait.


7. pregnancy.   

Pregnancy is a magnificent moment in a Mother’s life. For a few brief months you carry a child within your body, helping them grow strong. It is a great time to commission a beautiful portrait, honouring the changes in your body.


8. expecting.

While most maternity sessions are all about celebrating the changes in a woman’s body, including the father into the session is a beautiful way to capture the bond of soon to be parents. I like this shot of the father gently touching her belly, feeling for movement, while looking up expectingly with love at his partner.


9. head dress

This beautiful golden butterfly head dress is handmade in Australia by Verdessafairy.

You don’t need elaborate costumes to create beautiful portraits, a length of silk is a useful tool. We can wrap the fabric into a togaesque gown or create flowy shapes by throwing it into the wind.


10 & 11. golden goddess.

There is something special about the combination of beautiful women, flowing golden  fabric and moody  Rembrandt style lighting that I find so beautiful in glamour portraits. 

I imagine these women are goddess’ from Greek mythology, with their golden togas and crowns, they are  feminine, artistic and powerful.


If you are interested in booking a Zest Photography family, couple, modern glamour, boudoir or nude portrait photography experience, call 0862453150 or email us at

Best PhotosGary Levy