7 Ways to feel more Body Positive



What is body positivity?

There are so many articles out there spouting that miracle cure for how to be more body positive. Well, we are writing to let you know there is no magic potion or cure for how you feel about yourself….it starts with you?

How you feel about yourself comes down to a lot of different factors.

·        How you see yourself?

·        How you think others see you?

·        How life experiences have impacted your body image?

·        Who you surround yourself with?

·        Things you say to yourself daily?

We have all been through experiences in our lives, whether it be as a child or in our adult life which has shaped the way we look and feel about ourselves.

Today we want to give you some tools, we think will help you to see and feel better about yourself and develop a more body positive mind frame.

How can you feel more body positive?


The most important step to feeling great about yourself is to first decide. That’s right, its that simple. If you truly want to change the way you see yourself and feel about yourself, you must decide to change and choose to change!

This decision is a choice and you may be scared to make the decision because you may just find some self-love in the process, and that is scary.

So, it’s your choice, are you going to decide to make this change? To enjoy loving your body and feeling great about yourself?

Absolutely, right!

Enjoy the following tips on your journey of freedom.


2.SAY Positive self-talk!

Self-talk is the way you talk to yourself, or your inner voice. You might not be aware that you're even doing it, but you almost certainly are.

Self-talk is important because it has a big impact on how you feel about yourself. It’s that voice inside your head that tells you… “You are enough!”. And you need to make sure you are hearing positive self-talk and it is loud and clear. A good question to ask yourself when you are listening to that inner voice is; “Would you say this to your best friend or a stranger?” If the answer is NO, then don’t say it to yourself. Be your own cheerleader!


3.Surround yourself with Positive people!

Who is in your corner?

Are the top five people in your life good, supportive people or energy vampires?

It is quite common to take on traits of the five closest people in your life. Take stock of who you are surrounding yourself with. Those you spend the most time with have a huge influence on your moods, how you view the world and the expectations you have of yourself.

When you surround yourself with positive people, you’re more likely to adopt empowering beliefs and see life as happening for you and not to you.

Just as you benefit when you surround yourself with people who make you happy, you suffer when those in your social circles are negative.

If you can, cleanse your social circles of those negative people, or let your friends and family know that you are looking for positive influences in your life to assist you in a body positive frame of mind.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn


4.Positive Social Media Exposure!

Ok, so it is almost impossible to stay away from all social media completely, however bear in mind a lot of what you see and hear on socials can be discouraging.

Social media can positively impact body image in several ways. Health and wellness, fitness, and body positive Instagram posts can all be inspirational sources for some people. Limit your social media interaction to positive pages, blogs and people who are showing kindness through their words, and actions.  

Through these channels, social media can assist you in a healthy and positive outlook on your body image.

5.focus on your strengths!

This can be one of the hardest things to do for a woman who has low body positivity. Being positive about your body doesn’t mean that you have to go on a diet or exercise daily. It means you need to embrace your body for what it is right now.


We all have flaws and the one of the greatest lessons I have learnt in my experience photographing women is, that no woman is ever entirely happy with themselves. We are all a work in progress and … face it ladies throughout our lives we are going to change. No matter how thin or curvy you are, if you have straight or curly hair, whether you are young or old, we will always be a work in progress and it’s time to embrace that.

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Look at yourself and truly see your strength, focus on the things you love about yourself and the more you repeat this to yourself the more body positive you will be.


6. Set Goals, the SMART way!

One way to set and achieve goals is the SMART method, this gives you the tools to be able to set and achieve goals you set yourself whether it be mindset, health and fitness, or a something you want to do on a personal level. If you work towards a goal and be consistent you will feel better about yourself in no time.

S – SPECIFIC - Is the goal specific? Does it describe exactly what you want to do? Can you make it more specific?

M – MEASURABLE - Is the goal measurable? Is there a way to tell whether you have completed your goal? It can be as simple as whether or not you did or didn’t do the task you set yourself.

A – ACHIEVABLE - Is it a realistic goal? Is the goal possible for me, with the strengths and limitations of my physical body, lifestyle, current health status?

R – RELEVANT - Is this a relevant goal for me? Will it affect my health, social life, relationships, work, study or safety in a negative way?

T – TIME-BASED - Is there a timeframe for my goal? Having it attached to a timeframe of some sort makes it more measurable and specific and helps with planning.


7. Celebrate!

By now you are feeling more body positivity and confident, so why not celebrate. By embracing who you are, as you are! Celebrate yourself and your newfound sense of self by doing things that are going to show how amazing you are!

Our team at Zest Photography want to be part of your celebration and be part of that final little boost to your body positive journey. Imagine how amazing you are going to feel seeing yourself more beautiful and empowered then you ever have before.

We have had the pleasure to help so many amazing women find their body positive moments through the best Glamour & Boudoir Photography Perth has to offer.

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Don’t take my word for it check out these stories of other woman who have found their body positivity through this experience.




If you are interested in booking a Zest Photography family, couple, modern glamour, boudoir or nude portrait photography experience, call 0862453150 or email us at info@zestphotography.com.au.

InspirationalGary Levy