Healing through a Photography experience



“Change the way you feel about yourself by changing the way you see yourself!”

This year is fast becoming a year of self-love and discovery for many women. As women we are finally able to start our healing process and start becoming whole. 

I wanted to write this blog to urge women to embark on their own journey of self-love and acceptance through a Zest boudoir photography experience. Being photographed is not just about a pretty photo on your wall it is so much more than that… it is about accepting yourself for all the flaws and seeing yourself as you really are; a strong, beautiful woman.

I have had so many clients speak with me prior to booking their boudoir photo shoot saying they have imperfections, scars or are genuinely disgusted by their bodies.

Most of these women have had a major trauma in their life and have been left damaged. They have been so ashamed of their bodies that they could not imagine seeing themselves as beautiful, let alone hanging a piece of art of themselves on the wall for friends and family to see.

“Allow the healing process to begin through this photography experience.”

There are so many times that I wished I could have given them a hug through the phone, as they have explained their insecurities and I’ve let them know that they are beautiful, that they are loved and that they are worthy of love and loving themselves. Being told may not be enough, but seeing yourself in a photograph is tangible proof.

The most beautiful portrait is one that can change the way a woman sees herself. The moment she sees herself on our big screen looking stunning, it creates an empowering shift in the way she feels about herself. It is very powerful to watch!

Enquire Now about doing your own Glamour Photo Shoot

“I see photography as a tool to allow women who have been hurt or are hurting to be healed.”

Healing can occur in so many forms, self-awareness and self-love are major parts of understanding yourself and cherishing yourself as a whole – your greatest gift is seeing your flaws as the most beautiful part of you.

What is a flaw though? To me a flaw is nothing more than showing you are human, and you have experienced something. That life has given you challenges to face and you have met them with the strength required.


By allowing yourself the opportunity to do a Zest Photography experience and show off all of your body through a lingerie photo shoot or with an exhilarating nude photo shoot, the healing will happen and how you see yourself will change how you feel about yourself!

Enquire Now about doing your own Glamour Photo Shoot

“A boudoir photography experience will allow you to let go of all the insecurities and pain you have surrounding your body image and allow you to see your whole self as beautiful.”


“Through a Zest boudoir photography experience you will continue your journey of healing and see yourself like you have never seen yourself before.”


If any part of this has resonated with you please call me at the studio. I would love to help you plan for your boudoir photography session and I would also love to be the one to photograph you and to join you on your journey of healing.

I look forward to hearing from you

Adriana ❤️ 

If you are interested in booking a Zest Photography family, couple, modern glamour, boudoir or nude portrait photography experience, call 0862453150 or email us at info@zestphotography.com.au.