Do I need to be photogenic for a photoshoot?


In today's visually driven society, where every moment seems to be captured and shared, the pressure to look good in photographs can be overwhelming.

Many people feel self-conscious and claim they are not photogenic, believing they always look awkward or unflattering in pictures.

However, it's important to understand that being photogenic is not solely based on your physical appearance, but rather a combination of factors that can be improved upon.

In this blog post, we will debunk the myth of "I am not photogenic" and provide practical tips to help you feel more confident and comfortable in front of the camera.

Understanding Photogenicity

First and foremost, it's crucial to dispel the notion that some people are inherently photogenic while others are not.

Photogenicity is not a fixed trait; rather, it is a skill that can be developed and enhanced over time.

It's important to remember that even professional models and actors undergo training to learn how to pose and present themselves in front of the camera.

Here are a few tips to have you ready to unleash your photo genius:

1. Embrace Self-Confidence

Confidence plays a significant role in appearing photogenic and looking confident is something an excellent photographer will bring out in you during a photoshoot.

To look confident, you need to feel confident as it reflects in your body language and facial expressions, resulting in more captivating and appealing photographs.

Embrace your unique features and focus on the positive aspects of your appearance. Remember that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms.

2. Understand Lighting and Angles

Lighting and angles can dramatically affect the outcome of a photograph and how you look.

You may have heard that everyone has their best angles… well this is partly true. When a photographer looks at you, they will be looking for your most flattering angles of your face and body to show you at your best.

Different types of lighting and angles of lighting will have a significant impact on how you look also meaning that it’s important to have a professional photographer that understands this to use light and shadow to accentuate you.

Familiarize yourself with different lighting conditions and experiment with various angles to find what works best for you.

Soft, natural light tends to be more flattering than harsh, direct light. Additionally, tilting your head slightly, finding your best side, or experimenting with different poses can make a notable difference in your photographs.

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3. Practice Posing and Expressions

Posing is an art that requires practice.

Check out different poses and facial expressions in other models during their glamour photoshoots by simply looking through glamour photographers websites, instagram pages and pinterest pages.

Experiment in front of a mirror or take self-portraits to understand how different poses and expressions can enhance your features.

Develop a range of natural and relaxed expressions that suit your personality, and remember to smile genuinely, as it adds warmth and charm to any photograph.

With all this said, this is why you have a professional photograph you.

A photographer will know how to pose you for your body type and know what to say to bring out those ‘to-die-for’ expresssions.





4. Relax and Be Yourself

One common reason people believe they are not photogenic is the tendency to become self-conscious and stiffen up when faced with a camera.

Remember, a photograph captures a moment, and it should reflect who you are.

Relax, breathe, and be yourself.

Candid shots often capture the most authentic and captivating images. Engage in a conversation or participate in an activity while being photographed to capture natural and spontaneous moments.

5. Let a Professional Photographer do it!

If you genuinely struggle with feeling photogenic or want to improve your skills, consider working with a professional photographer or taking a photography course.

A skilled photographer can guide you through the process, offer valuable insights, and bring out the best in you. They can also provide helpful feedback and tips tailored to your specific needs.


The belief that you are not photogenic is a misconception that can be overcome with a shift in mindset and a willingness to practice and experiment.

Remember that true beauty transcends mere appearance; it is a reflection of your confidence, personality, and individuality.

Embrace your uniqueness, understand your best angles, and practice posing and expressions to feel more comfortable and confident in front of the camera.

So next time someone points a lens your way, you'll be ready to capture stunning and memorable photographs that showcase the best version of yourself.

If you are interested in booking a Zest Photography family, couple, modern glamour, boudoir or nude portrait photography experience, call 0862453150 or email us at

Glamour PhotographyGary Levy